Degree Title
Bachelor of Arts
Summer A 2025 Start Date:
May 5, 2025
Summer B 2025 Start Date:
June 16, 2025
There's never been a greater need for skilled professionals who understand the increasingly complex environmental issues of natural resource management. FIU's online bachelor degree in Sustainability and the Environment introduces students to factors that determine the sustainability of human institutions, organizations, cultures and technologies in different environments. This fully online program is multidisciplinary, with a focus on developing creative, adaptive solutions to real-world challenges. The curriculum addresses the connections between people in their social, natural and built environment, so that students will be able to think holistically about sustainability issues.
Take the next step.
With FIU Online, you can learn anywhere, anytime. With our flexible, convenient, fully online program, you can earn your degree and still balance your work, family and community commitments. Our interactive technology enables you to watch lectures, get real-time feedback from your instructors and collaborate with classmates on projects. Plus, we provide you with a personal success coach who will provide you with one-on-one guidance every step of the way.
Why Apply?
Sustainability is about meeting the needs of today without compromising the needs of the future. Graduates with a bachelor's degree in Sustainability and the Environment will have the in-demand skills to launch and manage green initiatives in public, private and non-profit organizations.
FIU Online's faculty from the department of Earth & Environment are well-respected scholars in environmental sciences and natural resource management issues.
Green Career Opportunities
The bachelor’s degree in Sustainability and the Environment will open doors to jobs in the fields of environmental sustainability and environmental management. Career paths include:
Entry-level sustainability position
Park management
Transportation coordinator
Sustainability coordinator
Sustainability director
Sustainability manager
Sustainability analyst
Energy efficiency analyst
Operations manager
Wages & Employment Trends for Environmental Scientists and Specialists
People who worked as sustainability coordinators in January 2014 and took home a salary within the 10th–90th percentile range earned $29,564–$68,040 with the potential for bonuses up to $4,907, reported Industries that hired sustainability coordinators included colleges and universities, local government, healthcare, engineering consulting and architecture.
Florida Median income: $49,300
Florida rate of growth: +9%
National Median wages: $63,570
National Projected growth: +19%Source and more information: O Net OnLine
For more information on the Bachelor of Arts in Sustainability and the Environment program please visit the FIU Course Catalog. If you would like to view the specific courses related to the program, please use the breadcrumbs on the Course Catalog to go back and select the “Courses” tab.
For more information on the admissions process and how to apply please visit the FIU Admissions website.
We’re thrilled that you’re considering online education and want you to know exactly what to expect for tuition and fees. Education is an investment in your future. Use the following student tuition and fees calculator to determine your costs.
Top Faculty
Dr. Mahadev G. Bhat
Dr. Bhat's current research focuses on issues related to economics of coastal resource management, agroecology, human dimension issues of the South Florida environment, payment for environmental services, and spatial economics of natural resources. The common theme that spans his research works is the application of ecological-economics approach to environmental problem solving. This approach drastically departs from the conventional economic approach and attempts to integrate ecological and economic principles into a holistic decision-making framework, in order to promote a more sustainable resource management. He uses quantitative modeling tools such as spatial-temporal optimal control models, game-theoretic models, and econometric tools to simulate the dynamic interactions between different ecological and economic sub-systems of a resource or problem under investigation. Such a modeling approach provides policy makers with more objective insights into the policy making process.
Dr. David Bray
Dr. Bray is currently a Professor in the Earth and Environment Department and Director of the Institute for Sustainability Science in the Latin American and Caribbean Center at FIU. He carries out research on community forest management in Mexico and Central America and pursues interests in natural resource and ecosystem management in Latin America and globally. He was Chair and Associate Professor in the Environmental Studies Department at FIU from 1997-2002.
Dr. Assefa Melesse
Dr. Assefa's areas of research include spatially distributed hydrologic modeling, ecohydrology, surface and groundwater interaction modeling, climate change impact studies, water-energy-carbon fluxes coupling and modeling, remote sensing hydrology, land cover change detection and scaling. Dr. Melesse was recognized by the university and awarded for excellence in mentorship.
Dr. Pallab Mozumder
Dr. Pallab is interested in a diverse set of environmental and natural resource management issues (e.g. valuation of environmental goods and services, sustainable development, managing ecological vulnerability, water and coastal resources management). His current research focuses on understanding human dimensions of environmental changes and mitigation of natural hazards. He is also affiliated with International Hurricane Research Center (IHRC) and Latin American & Caribbean Center (LACC) at FIU. He received his PhD in Environmental and Natural Resources Economics from the University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, New Mexico. Before joining at FIU, he spent two years as a Post Doctoral Fellow at The Environmental Institute (TEI), University of Massachusetts, Amherst, MA.
Mr. Rodolfo Rego
Dr. Bray is a visiting instructor in the Department of Earth an Environment and is the coordinator of the Learning Assistant (LA) program. He is a geologist and an environmental scientist who specializes in the geology of South Florida and groundwater issues associated with petroleum contamination. He received his B.S. in Geology in 1997 from FIU and his M.S. in Geology in 2002 from FIU.
Dr. James Riach
Dr. Riach's research and teaching interests include the interconnections between ecosystem health and human well-being, with a focus on the Amazon and South Florida regions. His work combines multiple theories and methodologies from anthropology, epidemiology, medicine, ecology, and geography. He also specializes in traditional health knowledge and ethnobotany of native people in the Ecuadorian and Peruvian Amazon. He has worked on health and environmental projects among indigenous rainforest cultures including the Cayapas and the Siona-Secoya of Ecuador and the Aguaruna and Yagua of Peru. As a member of Project Amazonas, Inc., a humanitarian and environmental research and education non-profit organization, he has helped develop integrated strategies to address health, conservation, and development needs in the Peruvian Amazon.
Dr. Jennifer Gebelein
Dr. Gebelein's work focuses on land cover/land use mapping in the Caribbean, and change in the Caribbean landscape due to anthropogenic influences. Her research has involved utilizing satellite image analysis and Geographic Information Systems (GIS) spatial data to assess the land use and natural land cover history of Cuba. Dr. Gebelein has made several field trips to Cuba to acquire field data for accuracy assessment analysis in her land cover maps of the island's vegetation, coastal, agricultural, and urban features. She is a member of the South Florida Geographers Association, American Association of Geographers, and the Latin American and Caribbean Center (LACC) Faculty Advisory Board.
120 Credits Required
235.57 Per Credit Hour (In-State) + Fees
648.87 Per Credit Hour (Out-of-State) + Fees
* Total tuition and fees are subject to change.
- Fully online degree
- Every online undergraduate student is paired with a success coach
- Program Starts: Fall, Spring and Summer
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