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Degree Title

Bachelor of Arts

Spring 2025 Start Date:

January 6, 2025

Summer A 2025 Start Date:

May 5, 2025


Global Studies is the interdisciplinary study of the interconnections among cultural, political, economic, and ecological dimensions of social life in an age of globalization. The curriculum provides rigorous theoretical and methodological training in social science appropriate to the changing global workforce of the 21st century. 

The Interdisciplinary and Area Studies degree major teaches students to make connections between subject areas, combining the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies’ strengths in anthropology, geography, and sociology, with the complementary expertise of the Green School’s seven other departments. The IAS major offers you the opportunity to focus on a critical theme of social science inquiry and to study the theme within the context of a specific world region.  The analytical themes include 1) Culture, societies, and identities; 2) Social movements, security and conflict; 3) Global health and environment; and 4) Global markets, resources and development. The area studies concentrations are Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean, Middle East and Central Asia, or Europe and Eurasia.

  • Why Apply?

    Knowledge of the cultural, political, economic, and environmental dimensions of globalization, coupled with skills in social science research methods and theory, is increasingly critical for many careers. The reality of the current job market is that many careers require flexibility in perspective, knowledge in multiple areas, and a broad and varied skill set. In recognition of these needs, the Interdisciplinary and Area Studies Major, Global Studies BA offers students the tools needed to prepare for the reality of today’s global marketplace.

    Career Opportunities

    Graduates will be prepared to pursue careers in diverse areas including the environmental field, civil service, business, law, and non-governmental organizations (NGOs)

  • Courses

    Program Completion Requirements

    A total of 120 credits are required for the Interdisciplinary and Area Studies Major, Global Studies BA. Students must complete all University Core Curriculum courses, and General Science Requirements (common prerequisites). Students must earn a grade of "C" or higher in all courses required for the major. A grade of "C-" or lower is NOT acceptable in any required course.

    In addition to the above requirements, students must complete the following:

    Lower Division (recommended but not required, 3 credits)

    Any of the following:

    ANT 2000: Introduction to Anthropology – GL 1 (3)

    GEA 2000: World Regional Geography – GL (3)

    SYG 2000: Introduction to Sociology – GL (3)

    Required upper Division Courses (18 credit hours)

    Introduction to Major (3 credit hours)

    IDS 3315: Gaining Global Perspectives – GL (3)

    Core Courses (6 credit hours)

    Two of the following

    ANT 3212: World Ethnographies

    GEO 3001: Geography of Global Change

    SYP 3456: Societies in the World

    Theory (3 credit hours)

    One of the following:

    ANT 3034: Anthropological Theories (3) 

    GEO 3421: Cultural Geography (3) 

    GEO 3471: Political Geography (3) 

    GEO 3001: Geography of Global Change – GL (3)

    GEO 3502: Economic Geography – GL (3)

    SYA 4010: Sociological Theories (3)

    Methods (6 credit hours)

    SYA 3300: Research Methods (3)

    and one of the following:

    ANT 3497: Introduction to Qualitative Research Methods (3)

    SYA 3400: Introduction to Quantitative Social Research (3)

    GIS 3048: Applications of Geographic Information Systems (3)


    Upper Division Thematic Electives (6 credit hours)

    Two courses within one of the following themes:
    Culture, Societies, Identities*

    ANT 4473 Culture and Globalization

    ANT 4476 Indigenous Peoples Today in Global Perspective

    ANT 3241 Myth, Ritual, and Mysticism

    GEO 4414 Geography and Gender

    REL 3308 Studies in World Religions

    REL 3367 Islamic Faith and Society

    AMH 4671 Race, Gender, Science in the Atlantic World

    AMH 4573 African American History from Late 19th Century to the Present

    AMH 4588 Introduction to Latina/o History

    EUH 4617 Race and Migration in Modern Europe

    EUH 4675 History of Islam and Muslims in Europe

    HIS 4264 Global Imperial-Indigenous Encounters 1500- Present

    LAH 4737 Music, Modernity and Identity in Latin America

    Social Movements, Security and Conflict*

    GEO 4477 Critical Geo Politics

    GEO 3602 Urban Geography

    SYP 3300 Social Movements

    PAD 3800 Managing Global Cities

    PAD 3802 Introduction to Urban and Regional Studies

    PHM 4362 Global Justice

    LBS 3001 Labor and Globalization

    LBS 3468 Introduction to Mediation

    LBS 3480 Introduction to Conflict Resolution

    LBS 4154 Workers and Diversity

    LBS 3001 Labor and Globalization

    LBS 3480 Introduction to Conflict Resolution

    LBS 4610 Cross Cultural Dimensions of Latin American Labor Relations

    CJE 4174 Comparative Criminal Justice Systems

    AMH 3310 Social Movements in Modern United States History

    ISS 3130 Fundamentals of National Security

    ISS 4930 Topics in Globalization: Global Cyber Threats & Policy Implications

    AMH 3310 Social Movements in Modern United States History

    EUH 3576 The Russian Revolution and the Soviet Union

    EUH 4033 Nazism and the Holocaust

    HIS 3308 War and Society

    HIS 4264 Global Imperial – Indigenous Encounters 1500 to the Present

    LAH 4750 Law and Society in Latin America

    LAH 3718 History of US- Latin American Relations

    LAH 4483 Cuba Since 1959

    WOH 3244 World War II: A Global History

    Global Health and Environment*

    ANT 3403 Cultural Ecology

    ANT 3462 Medical Anthropology

    ANT 4480 Anthropological Approaches to Global Health

    GEO 4607 Urban Environmental Geography

    GEO 4476 Political Ecology

    GEO 4373 Geography of the Global Conservation System

    GEO 4391 Marine Geography

    SYD 4604 Cities and Sustainability: Latin America, Africa, and Asia in a Globalizing World

    SYO 3400 Medical Sociology

    SYO 3401 Sociology of Health Behavior

    SYO 4410 Sociology of Mental Illness

    SYO 4420 Comparative Sociology of Health Care Systems

    SYP 4013 The Body in Society

    SYP 4562 Domestic Violence

    SYP 3750 Sociology of Life Course

    EVR 4595 South Florida Environmental Conflicts

    IDS 3214 Our Coastal Environment from the Bay of the World

    AMH 3314 Public Health and Medicine in United States History

    HIS 4492 A History of United States Policy

    LAH 4722 Health, Medicine, and Disease in Latin American Social History

    WOH 4206 Global History of Domestic Violence

    Global Markets, Resources and Development*

    SYP 4441 Sociology of World Development

    ECO 4713 International Macroeconomics

    ECS 3021 Women, Culture, and Economic

    IDS 3163 Global Supply Chains & Logistics

    WOH 4223 History of the Global Economy

    *Or any -other GSS-adviser-approved course offered by the Department of Global and Sociocultural Studies or in another department which covers the major themes.

    Upper Division Area Studies Elective (9 hours: 3000 or higher)

    Three courses substantially grounded in a world area, exemplifying the transnational issues explored in the chosen theme. The world areas are:

    • Africa
    • Asia
    • Latin America
    • Middle East and Central Asia
    • Europe and Eurasia
  • Requirements

    To ensure every student’s success, we have certain admissions requirements for our program. To help you through the application process, our enrollment advisors can help to answer your questions and guide you every step of the way.

    Applications are accepted for Spring, Fall and Summer terms.

    Steps to Apply

    First Year Students

    Please submit the following:

    • Online application
    • $30 application fee.
    • Official SAT, ACT and/or CLT scores.
    • Official high school transcripts.

    Transfer Students

    Please submit the following:

    • Online application
    • $30 application fee.
    • Official college transcripts.
    • If you have less than 60 transferable college credits, you must also submit official high school transcripts and SAT, ACT and/or CLT scores in addition to any transcripts from postsecondary schools to the Office of Undergraduate Admissions.


    Returning Students

    Returning students must meet the current university and degree-specific requirements to be admitted. FIU has policies for students who left FIU, please click here for more details.

       Please submit the following:

    • Online application
    • $30 application fee
    • Updated official transcripts

    International Students

    In addition to the above requirements, international applicants should submit:

    • Official English Language Proficiency exam scores (TOEFL or IELTS).
    • Official translations of any transcripts, if not in English.
    • If you have less than 60 transferrable college credits, you must also submit official high school transcripts with translation.


    Program Admission Requirements

    Candidates must first be accepted into the university. Students admitted to Florida International University are admitted directly to their chosen major.

    Program Completion Requirements

    A total of 120 credits are required to complete the fully online undergraduate degree. Students must complete the   University Core Curriculum,   University requirements  and   College of Arts, Sciences & Education requirements while satisfying requirements toward their Asian Studies major and are expected to make good progress based on critical indicators, such as GPA in specific courses or credits earned. In cases where students are not making good progress, a change of major may be required.  In cases where students are not making good progress, a change of major may be required. Advisors work to redirect students to more appropriate majors when critical indicators are not met. For specific course requirements, visit the Courses tab on this program page.

    Admission Documents

    To complete the online undergraduate programs admissions form, select your program from the   application form. You may complete the online application and submit it, even before taking any entrance exams.   All supporting admission documents may be sent to:

    Florida International University
    Office of Undergraduate Admissions

    P.O. Box 659003

    Miami, FL 33265-9003


    FIU also accepts transcripts electronically via:

    • Faster (All FL public institutions)

    • Naviance (Typically used by private high schools)

    • SMART/Joint Service Transcript – Military records

    *Meeting the university minimum requirements does not guarantee admission

  • Tuition

    We’re thrilled that you’re considering online education and want you to know exactly what to expect for tuition and fees. Education is an investment in your future. Use the following student tuition and fees calculator to determine your costs.


  • Top Faculty

    Dr. Simone Athayde, Associate Professor of Anthropology

    She is an environmental anthropologist and interdisciplinary ecologist who has worked across the Amazonian region for over 20 years, supporting Indigenous peoples and local communities’ self-determination and sustainable livelihoods, as well as biocultural and territorial rights. Her research examines the impacts of large infrastructure projects and climate change on Indigenous peoples and local communities across the Amazon, as well as their responses and agency over these processes. She teaches undergraduate courses in Social-Ecological Research Methods and Latin American Studies.

    Dr. Kevin Grove, Associate Professor of Geography

    His research works across political geography, cultural geography, political ecology and security studies to examine the biopolitics of disaster management and resilience. Resilience has become an increasingly influential ordering principle for all manner of social and environmental governance initiatives, in fields as varied as international development, urban governance, disaster management, psychology and community development. Through fieldwork in Kingston, Jamaica, New York City, Miami, and the Florida Coastal Everglades, he analyzes how this resilience turn creates a new terrain for political struggle. He teaches undergraduate courses in Geography of Global Change and People, Place, and Environment of the Caribbean.

    Dr. Matthew Marr, Associate Professor of Sociology

    His research focuses on how experiences of inequality in contemporary urban America and Japan are shaped by contexts at different levels, from the global to the individual. His research sites include housing programs for people experiencing homelessness, “service hub” neighborhoods, and day labor markets. He combines street-level qualitative research with comparative, macro-sociological analysis to contribute to debates on inequality about the effects of globalization, welfare states, urban regimes, culture, organizations, neighborhoods, families, and individual agency. His undergraduate courses include Japanese Society in Global Perspective and Cities in Asia.

    Dr. Andrea Queeley, Associate Professor of Anthropology

    Her research concerns African Diasporic subject formation, migration, and the negotiation of globalized structural inequalities, exploring questions of social hierarchy and diversity within the African Diaspora. She is particularly interested in the social and economic conditions under which racialized subjects assert their cultural identities and how such assertions shift over time. She has conducted research in eastern Cuba among people of English-speaking Caribbean descent as well as the urban US. She teaches undergraduate courses in Race and Revolution in Cuba, the African Diaspora in Latin America, and Cultures of the Caribbean.

    Dr. Richard Tardanico, Associate Professor of Sociology

    He does research focuses on local/global inequalities, politics, conflict, and social change, mainly in Latin American and Caribbean countries. His current work deals with those topics for globalizing Miami, with a particular emphasis on how the Little Haiti neighborhood is confronting predatory gentrification. His undergraduate teaching includes courses in Research Methods, Deviance in Society, and Societies in the World.

120 Credits Required

235.57 Per Credit Hour (In-State) + Fees

648.87 Per Credit Hour (Out-of-State) + Fees

* Total tuition and fees are subject to change.



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