The Excellence in Global Learning Medallion is awarded upon graduation to students who have completed an extensive curriculum and co-curriculum designed to enhance global awareness, global perspective, and an attitude of global engagement in FIU’s World Ahead graduates.
Participation in the Medallion program connects undergraduates to invaluable, high impact opportunities such as exclusive internships, study abroad programs, and the opportunity to network during roundtable discussions. Medallion candidates receive personalized mentorship in order to identify how and why to become fully engaged in understanding and addressing local and global issues. Completion of the program offers evidence and recognition of your specific achievements and experiences to employers and graduate schools.
Visit our Global Learning Medallion Graduates page to learn more about the graduates. Fill out the Global Learning Medallion sign up form to receive additional information.
What are the requirements?
Course Requirement: Complete a minimum of four (4) global learning-designated courses, with a grade of C or higher
Activity Requirement: Participate in a minimum number of approved global co-curricular activities.
How do I know how many activities I need, and which ones count?
Capstone Requirement: Complete a substantial original research project and presentation on a global topic; 4 courses of study in one foreign language; study abroad; or global internship.
ePortfolio Reflection Requirement: Reflect on your FIU global learning experience in the form of an Web page promoting your global citizenship.
GPA Requirement: A 3.0 final, cumulative FIU GPA at the time of graduation.
Learning outcomes
All courses and activities included for the Global Learning Medallion are designed to increase your:
Global Awareness: knowledge of the interrelatedness of local, global, international, and intercultural issues, trends, and systems
Global Perspective: the ability to conduct a multi-perspective analysis of local, global, international, and intercultural problems
Global Engagement: willingness to engage in local, global, international, and intercultural problem solving.
Personalized Assistance
The Office of Global Learning Initiatives is available to provide individual guidance and support to all Global Learning Medallion students. If you have questions about this program, please contact us at